Tykes News 09 2018
CD review by Nigel Schofield
O Yeh Yeh!
Gap in the Laminate Records
I think the word supergroup is in order. This is a trio consisting of Sally Barker, annA rydeR and Marion Fleetwood. Three voices that seamlessly combine in rich, fulfilling harmonies with a wealth of instruments to draw upon and create a rich, varied, satisfying sound that simply makes you want to smile.
All three are songwriters and this project provides them with the facility to combine their talents in that respect too – four of the eleven tracks are joint compositions. Sally and Marion provide a song apiece (Dr Dinosaur and What Would Elvis Do – both intriguing in very different ways). The rest are from the ever-prolific mS rydeR.
Don’t go thinking the writer becomes a singer with a to-hand backing section; lead vocals are shared across and within songs. Take a listen to All I Want where the three voices, taking a verse apiece, give it a whole additional dimension in its closing moments.
If ever the phrase “greater than the sum of its (not insignificant) parts” was apt, it is for Iota, a trio of individuals wherein, ironically, the I is not important (the We is). Aside from which, who can resist a title like Brian Blessed’s Clouds?
These ladies have a vast array of “heavy friends” they could call on – bit of electric bass here, superstar fiddle there, a guitar hero lead break. They are to be admired for choosing not to do so and their debut release is all the better for it. It is just them…sometimes LOTs of them…but essentially and solely Marion Sally & annA.
Recorded with a resonant purity, complex simplicity and shimmering clarity by Sally Barker, it’s a joy to listen to. They’ll be touring from February next year (or later this year if you’re a slow reader): catch them if you can, meantime thrill to this – best heard in a comfortable uncluttered room, with the speakers wide and the volume high.